If your child's ill and will be absent from school, you need to tell us through

Vision, Values and Ethos

Our vision for Marish Academy Trust is that we remain a learning community without walls that does whatever it takes to meet needs. To achieve this we are committed to:



  • consulting parents and listening to children:
  • remaining truly inclusive primary schools that welcome people into our community, regardless of their backgrounds, ethnicities, faiths, age or skills.;
  • having the highest aspirations for all pupils and staff, focusing on the life experiences we share and viewing our cultural diversity as a rich resource;


  • upholding British Values and our Three Diamond Rules shown below;


  • removing the barriers to life long learning that disadvantage creates;
  • continually developing our curriculum and learning experiences to meet the individual needs of pupils who may one day be citizens of the 22nd century;
  • ensuring our pupils develop the skills to make a positive difference to others as well the usual things such as the best possible outcomes and life chances;

Indeed, Marish Academy Trust’s commitment to improve even further is enshrined in our motto ‘Strive for the heights’ and Our Trust Strap Line:

Work to be outstanding, 

Deserve to be outstanding, 

Will be outstanding!


These aspirations apply to all members of the Marish/Willow Community and are summed up in our ethos which is based on our three diamond rules and British values.  Ask your child to explain what these mean in practice:


Three Diamond Rules:

Show respect and good manners at all times: Care for everyone and everything and Follow instructions straightaway, with thought and care!

British Values:

Tolerance and inclusion, mutual respect for personal freedom, the rule of law, democracy and equality of opportunity and a celebration of the diversity of our community which enriches us all. 


These values and our children’s understanding of them are key to creating strong, resilient young people and communities which are the hope of a brighter future.


Thank you for all your support in 2020- we look forward to continuing our successful partnership into 2021 and beyond.a