News and Highlights

Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, please join us in expressing our sincere condolences to King Charles and the Royal Family at this difficult time.
the official date of the State funeral will be held on Monday 19th September 2022, which has been declared a bank holiday for all. The Depart for Education has announced that all schools will be closed on this day.
Marish and Willow Primary Schools will reopen on Tuesday 20th September 2022.

As part of our celebrations for the Queen's Jubilee, children in year 4 and 5 will be taking part in a Maypole Workshop on Wednesday 4th May.

Good Morning, we hope you had a restful Easter break. Marish Academy Trust are proud to announce the release of the new Website UI for the Trust.
Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thank you.

The Easter holidays are drawing closer. Please let me use this opportunity to remind of the dates:
Spring Holiday: Monday 11th April to Friday 22nd April 2022 inclusive
(Good Friday – Friday 15th April 2022; Easter Monday –18th April 2022)

Today, Marish and Willow Primary Schools celebrated Mad Science Day.
Children across the Trust dressed up as Scientists and took part in some exciting experiments.
Don't forget to ask your child what their favourite part of the day was!

Luke Temple, the famed children's book author made his appearance again this year at Marish Academy Trust.
Luke Temple was given a warm welcome by the school he is a favourite of ours.
He even signed the children's book making his time with us special once again.

Yer a Wizard Harry!
Today, Marish Academy Trust Celebrated World Book Day. Staff and students dressed up as their favourite book characters.
A great day was had by all.