Marish Academy Trust Aims

  Marish Academy Trust Aims for Marish Primary School and Willow Primary School 2022
Our vision is to: ‘Strive for the heights as a learning community without walls.’ When we achieve this both schools will provide:
  • an outstanding, broad, balanced enriched curriculum which is driven by our three key drivers of cultural capital*, aspiration raising and resilience building. This curriculum and its intent, implementation and impact are ever evolving and meet learning needs by delivering bespoke opportunities allowing each child to exceed expectations and fulfil their potential.
  • a quality learning environment within a community context that works in partnership with other local stakeholders to ensure the well-being and every person matters outcomes for all children and families, not just those within our own schools.
  • opportunities which empower all our members to develop and shine, making a positive difference, as leaders to our learning community without walls, doing whatever it takes to build bridges, into homes, hearts and minds.
Our mission is to manage Marish Academy Trust by strategy to maximise use of resources to deliver outstanding educational and wellbeing provision to the whole community.  This mission focuses on four core areas of outcomes, our provision including the curriculum, extra-curricular activities and evolving learning practice; our use and development of our facilities, in terms of grounds and buildings and finally, (and most importantly), the development of future leaders, in the widest sense of the word.
All of these aims, our vision, mission and the targets and milestones we need to achieve along our journey are set out in our five year Marish Academy Trust Strategic Plan.
Agreed by Strategic Board and LAB governor representatives September 2022
Aims taken from Strategic Plan 2022-2027
*cultural capital definition taken from the National Curriculum: ‘It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’